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Beginner's Guide: How to Have Sex with a Sex Doll?

Dec 26, 2023

How to have sex with a sex doll? In short, having sex with a sex doll is just as easy as having real sex. Sex dolls can be performed in many different basic positions due to their flexible nature and their anatomy that resembles a real woman's body.

This seems to be a common question among many junior players. Of course, many old players seem to have not explored it in depth. We always think we know them well, but little do we realize that some actions may be harming your doll. . . The sex doll market is becoming increasingly mature with the economic trend of the times and is accepted and loved by more and more people. We have witnessed real sharing by doll owners in many places, especially on some social platforms. You can also get an idea of how unique love dolls are through some doll shopping website reviews. Silicone dolls have been around for a long time. In the distant 17th century, Dutch sailors were embracing the pleasure. More often than not, it is far more reliable than real humans. No matter when it can always appear in time to help you release that long-suppressed desire. It’s great to never care about the unsatisfactory environment and anything that dislikes you, isn’t it? We all know that people's cognitive abilities are not the same. Hence, different thoughts when it comes to sex dolls. No matter how much research you do on sex dolls, you still have questions. Sex dolls are designed to be as lifelike as possible during intercourse, which means it will be very similar. But no matter how realistic and pleasurable the experience with a sex doll is, you're bound to notice some differences. Read on, today we'll take a look at the world of sex dolls to learn more about how you can have a relationship with one.

Why Do I Need to Have Sex With a Sex Doll?

How to have a threesome with a sex doll? Christmas is just around the corner, and if you're planning on spending the night with your girlfriend and sex doll, understanding different sex positions can also increase your sexual pleasure. So, let a sex doll join you for a pleasurable threesome. If you want to increase the pleasure and satisfaction why not try something more erotic surrounded by two pairs of breasts and two different warmth? Your doll will make you feel the warmth you desire, providing you and your girlfriend with more unique adventures. Imagine you are watching a very erotic movie with your girlfriend and the Love Doll appears to help you recreate classic and arousing moments from the porn movie. This should be a very unforgettable night! Also, you can try out two different sets of festive lingerie for your girlfriend and sex doll for endless hours of fun and fun, it’s awesome!
Satisfy a unique, crazy fantasy experience: In reality, it is difficult for us to express our desires and fantasies. This is difficult to achieve, I know. Not everyone can respect and understand personal preferences, and voices of doubt and discrimination will inevitably arise. Therefore, the emergence of sex dolls is undoubtedly an excellent choice. It can not only bring us long-term companionship and support but also provide comfortable and intimate interaction. You will no longer need to consider anyone's feelings and opinions, and you can do what you want to do without burdening others with your opinions. Fulfill your unique and crazy fantasy experience. Moreover, love dolls have always been loved by many players for their realistic texture. Having sex with her will make you feel no different from a real human being. When you knead her sexy breasts, you should be surprised. They seem to be softer and more real than your real partner. The main thing is that you don't have to worry about hurting her and can enjoy this unparalleled pleasure.

How to Have Sex With a Sex Doll?

Use Lubricant: Before deciding to have sex with a real doll, you always need to use lubricant as it helps you avoid friction and makes penetration easy and smooth, while also making the sensations more realistic and comfortable for your love The doll and you provide the best sex experience. Although all sex dolls are designed with penetrative exploration, there may be some friction that will create some resistance. Therefore, proper lubricant should always be used to protect the penis. This is also one of the ways to help you increase the pleasure of your experience. If you use some condoms, you don't need to lubricate your penis as some condoms are also lubricated. Or you can add extra lubrication to keep your penis perfectly smooth deep inside the doll for satisfying results. Using lube is the key to making things smoother and more pleasurable. Well, it’s like eating toast with butter, it makes everything smooth! Therefore, before we decide to have sex with a sex doll, this is an option not to be missed!
How to perform oral sex with a sex doll? Generally speaking, sex dolls have three channels for venting sexual desire, which represent oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex. It can provide a different sexual experience, which is also a way to enhance freshness. However, even within the same category, there are bound to be some significant differences. The first thing you need to know is whether the sex doll has removable or built-in holes. When purchasing a sex doll, you can consult relevant customer service to find out whether the silicone sex doll you want to buy has the function of an oral sex head. To be honest, most of them exist. The removable holes are just like they sound, allowing them to be completely removed from the frame for cleaning and potential replacement. This won't have much of an impact on sex, but it will be relevant. Using a blowjob head will boost your confidence to a certain extent, and the feeling of being on top as you look down on your love doll will be pleasurable. Many top doll manufacturers have introduced this feature, please customize it according to your preferences and needs. Of course, you can also search for information about various silicone doll brands or find the best doll website shopping platform to get the best partner for you.

How Enjoyable is Sex With a Sex Doll?

Supports switching off more positions: In fact, having sex with a sex doll is a very relaxing and fun thing. Unlike real women, your doll can support you in various positions to satisfy your curiosity and desire to explore. We will no longer just stick to the traditional and boring ways. With the development of modern technology and the addition of intelligence, this situation is changing. . . The functions of sex dolls have become gradually richer and more advanced, and we can experience more positions that were previously unachievable in reality. For example, the flexible joints, elastic frame, and loose joints are designed to allow you to have no worries about enforcing any sexual restrictions when having sex with your doll. You don’t have to worry about it getting hurt, the chances are slim. Please feel free to have a hearty interaction with your doll at different angles, scenes, and postures! Believe me, this must be the right decision, allowing you to feel unprecedented fun and endless happiness. . .
The best partner to provide sexual services anytime and anywhere: Sometimes, sex dolls may have more unique existences than real humans. They always pay attention to you but do not require you to respond to them. Love Doll does not require you to spend extra energy and time, and provides you with services anytime and anywhere! Women will do their best to get your attention. She can wear expensive clothes in public, raise the volume of her comments, and even overreact to get your attention and get you to act on it. All they need is constant attention, and if you can't do that, be ready for anything. It will take you several months to digest this or even longer. But a silicone doll will never complain about not getting your attention, let alone vent its temper for no reason. When you decide to buy a sex doll, it also means that you will be away from the loud noises and conflicts that may arise in your life with your partner. If you are not in the mood or you are busy, they will not disturb you and will just wait quietly for your next caress.

Great Place to Buy Sex Doll Realdollshub

The article delves into the topic of how to have sex with a sex doll, providing a valuable guide for beginners. Although sex dolls are becoming increasingly popular on the market, many people still have limited knowledge about them. But through this article, we understand the importance of sex dolls in providing people with the ability to fulfill their fantasies, add pleasure, and create unique experiences. They are not only sex toys, but also companions that support various sexual positions. Tips for having sex with a real doll are provided, such as using lube and oral sex tips for a more realistic, comfortable experience. It provides players with guidance on understanding sex dolls and exploring new experiences and points out the unique features of sex dolls so that people can better understand how to get along with them in life. If you are considering purchasing a love doll, please visit now to customize your companion for a more pleasurable sex experience.

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  2. Best Sex Dolls You Must Have!

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